
Friday, February 22, 2013



According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary and Thesaurus , '' love is a strong affection warm attachment , unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for other''. I think every otherdictionaries would present the same definition for love. It is a word that carries strong feelings.
However, love has two 'faces'.It can be fake or real.  Let’s not forget that has different types:sanguine love(love among family members), agape love(love among friends that have desiresto share), charity (love among religious people) and erotic love emotional love  relating to ordealing with sexual love). 
 Sometimes we mix up or get confused on how to differentiate these loves . it could beso confusing when someone who u think has agape love begins to think in the area of erotic .Or sometimes family members begin to have erotic love for each other. When all thesehappens we begin to think that love doesn’t actually exist. What of when the other person who has been in love feels that he or she has been cheated after a longtime of relationship.
The same conclusion applies. In other part, those who have really experienced the true lovewould accuse others that the reasons why theirs don’t work is because , either they weren’tpatience enough in their relationships or they rushed into . The later happens frequently inmany peoples love life. They call it “ love at first sight’’.  I don’t doubt this confession whichis common among lovers. Actually it is affection that arose as a result of attraction andattraction in other part came as result of what the sight presented to the mind.
Actually I have a colleague that easily fall in love with any handsome guy, whether married or single , she doesn’t care. She doesn’t care even if he is a patient or a delivery guy.I tell you , she is ready to go out with this guy if the he consents to it. Is that not crazy? Bythe very definition of love, she is not. Remember that the dictionary defines it as a ‘ strongaffection.’ But what baffles me is this. When such a girl is disappointed after some short timeof friendship with this guy. Her first statement would be ''I hate him; I don’t love him anymore; he is a pig''. Then the lover may probably say that “ she is hor, I never loved her, sheforced her way into my life”.
This why I tell my friends that the result of affection is sex. But the 
result of sex is not alwaysaffection. The reason is this. When a man 
chase a girl, he probably does it just to savourwhat is between the 
two legs. Like Al Pacino’s film (scent of a woman) , he would say “ what is between the two legs... passport to haven”. If the affection rate is 100% before sex,the percentage would reduce even up to 20% after. It is just like when you dream of buying very beautiful car. At the time you finally get it, it becomes a normal thing andaren’t special any more. In another way round, the desire to continue and build up therelationships can make the percentage of affection increase from time to time.

Finally , I would say that true affection is the base for true love. You mustn’t love aguy or girl because he or she is rich, handsome, from a notable family, star, well educated,from a particular race or religion. All these are elements of attractions that can easily fadeaway and sometimes easily wear out of the mind, when the realness in that person begins tomatter. This also applies to love between same sex. It is a serious matter indeed. Many havedied as result of love. That is why we should see love in its positive form, so that we treat oneanother with true love and affection.


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